Hello world and happy birthday to me!

Previous blog post

This is a auto translation version of a post from my previous blog. I’m sharing it here so I don’t forget who I was and where I was.

Well, my very first blog post has landed on my birthday date! The 26th of Aban! A special Abani (bangs head on the desk). Honestly, and with no lies whatsoever, it’s been a long time that I’ve wanted to set up my blog and write daily notes, but…

Yesterday, while I was installing WordPress on the host, I wasn’t paying attention to the fact that when I came today to write my first post, it would be my birthday, and that my first blog post would coincide with my birthday. And of course, it’s nothing really special or exciting, but I don’t know why it’s given me a special feeling!

The reason I started the blog so late has a few explanations. One reason was that I was planning not to set it up with WordPress; I wanted to spin up a simple MongoDB database myself, connect it via GraphQL and React, basically do something fancy (it’s fancy for me, for you it’s old news! Yeah, I know). But well, I never got the chance! I’m busy and have a lot of projects I need to finish writing, and having a Telegram channel where I wrote all my texts there kind of made me not feel the need. But finally, yesterday, I made the decision. In the middle of working on a project, I just jumped in and quickly installed WordPress, installed Yahya’s white theme, and that’s it!

I also gave up on using new technologies. I told myself, “So what?! Just throw in a WordPress and move on, man. It’s not like anything special is going to happen if I don’t use WordPress! Maybe it’ll be lighter? Again, so what? It’s just a blog, bro.”

I still haven’t fully decided exactly what content or topics I want to put on my blog. It definitely won’t be like my Telegram channel because the vibe of a channel—where you write whatever comes to mind in the moment—is very different from a blog that a lot of people might visit and read your stuff. I also don’t have any particular vision for the blog, like “one day I’ll become famous because of it!” Mostly, I’m thinking that a few years from now I’ll read my own posts and enjoy them myself. You know, sometimes a person has to enjoy the things they did in the past! Really enjoy them, like a few days ago when I found my own old After Effects tutorial and genuinely loved it!

Back in those days (51 months ago and more), I was really into filmmaking and visual effects! I didn’t know what I was doing, but I just did it, until I met Saeed, Behnam, Reza(s), and the rest, and I embarked on a new path in my life: programming….

Since then, apart from 2 or 3 times, I’ve never opened After Effects again, and I’ve always been coding and learning. Of course, let’s admit that I started learning again this summer.

Anyway, moving on from this topic, let me talk about my birthday.

From my perspective, a person’s birthday is a special day for them! Even if it doesn’t seem special, let’s try to make it so! Usually, we compare it to the new year; we say, “What did I do from last year until now?” and so on. But I prefer to think specifically about my own age. On New Year’s, you don’t bring up your age, but on your birthday, you realize that while a year has been added to your age, a year has also been subtracted from your life! 365 days and 8 hours in total. So, Mohammad, what have you done during this time? Which beliefs have changed for you? Which things do you no longer care about, and which new things do you value now? And thousands of other questions you have to ask yourself and compare them to who you were and your age in the past!

Of course, like many others, I avoid answering these questions and just go back to coding because I need to finish project Loyal (the product’s initial name). And tonight, I’ve reserved a couple of pool tables (yeah man, we get it—you play pool, good for you), so I can go play with the guys. And in the words of Khayyam, “How swiftly the caravan of life passes; seize the moment that passes with delight.” And to clarify for dear friends, “delight” here means joy and nothing else!

Right now, I’m listening to Siavash Ghomayshi’s new album (Sargozasht). All the bad news of late (earthquakes, death, famine, war) got washed away by it (Wish for it, life only happens once….)

Wishing you success!

Published on: 17 Nov 2018